Definition of Stretch out

1. Verb. Extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length. "Extend the TV antenna"

Exact synonyms: Extend, Stretch, Unfold
Generic synonyms: Change Form, Change Shape, Deform
Related verbs: Extend
Derivative terms: Extensible

2. Verb. Lie down comfortably. "To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass"
Exact synonyms: Stretch
Generic synonyms: Lie, Lie Down

3. Verb. Thrust or extend out. "The bee exserted its sting"
Exact synonyms: Exsert, Extend, Hold Out, Put Out, Stretch Forth
Specialized synonyms: Hyperextend
Generic synonyms: Gesticulate, Gesture, Motion
Derivative terms: Extendible, Extensible, Extensor

4. Verb. Extend one's body or limbs. "Let's stretch for a minute--we've been sitting here for over 3 hours"
Exact synonyms: Stretch
Generic synonyms: Move
Derivative terms: Stretch

5. Verb. Stretch (the neck) so as to see better. "The women craned their necks to see the President drive by"
Exact synonyms: Crane
Generic synonyms: Extend, Stretch
Derivative terms: Crane

Definition of Stretch out

1. Verb. To lie fully extended ¹

2. Verb. To fully extend a part of the body. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Stretch Out

stretch along
stretch forth
stretch limo
stretch limos
stretch mark
stretch marks
stretch one's legs
stretch out
stretch pants
stretch receptor
stretch reflex
stretch the truth
stretched out
stretched the truth

Literary usage of Stretch out

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Cycle of Adams Letters, 1861-1865 by Charles Francis Adams, Henry Adams (1920)
"I doubt whether the allies on this side will be able to stretch out a helping hand in season. Such is the precise condition of opinion at the moment, ..."

2. The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament by George V. Wigram (1866)
"stretch out thy rod, 9:22. Stretch forth thine hand toward heaven, 10:12. stretch out thine hand over the land 21. stretch out thine hand toward heaven. ..."

3. Suomalais-englantilainen sanakirja by Severi Alanne (1919)
"... 1. hold out 1. stretch out) a helping hand to one, do a (good) turn to one; ... käärme) stretch Itself to Its full length, stretch out (to) Its full ..."

4. Suomalais-englantilainen sanakirja by Severi Alanne (1919)
"*no- rakti (esim. käärme) stretch Itself to its full length, stretch out (to) ... hüten,ä give (1. lend 1. hold out 1. stretch out) a helping hand to one, ..."

5. Suomalais-englantilainen sanakirja by Severi Alanne (1919)
"... 1. hold out 1. stretch out) a helping hand to one, do a (good) turn to one; ... käärme) stretch itself to its full length, stretch out (to) its full ..."

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